YEF Funding Requests

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does YEF do?

We raise funds via a luncheon every March. We then use those funds to support teachers, counselors, staff, and other organizations who request funding for an academic/leadership-focused idea or mental health-related idea and are approved.


How does YEF do it?

By processing requests, awarding funding, and asking for feedback.


Who can request funding?

Any teacher, school counselor, support staffer, administrator, or organization who has a great idea can submit a funding request online at


When do you accept funding requests?



How often do you award funding?

Twice a year, in September and February


When is the application deadline to be considered for the next round of funding?

Thursday, January 23, 2025 @ 11:59pm


Where can I apply?

Submit a funding request online at


Who do I ask if I need help submitting my funding request?

Email and we will connect you with the YEF board member assigned to your school.


What do you ask the winners to do?

Implement his or her idea and then share his or her project successes and milestones with us, along with photos, so we can continue to raise funds in support of youth in Maury County!


Does YEF provide additional support to implement a winner’s project/program?

No, we do not help facilitate, implement, or run any program. We solely provide the funding.


What are the eligibility criteria?

In Maury County, academic/leadership-focused OR mental-health related, life skills, wide range of students benefit, additional funding sources.


How many funding requests do you approve each year?

It depends on fundraising efforts. Once we determine the total amount of funds available for awarding, a scoring system is used on applications and funds are allocated accordingly. 


Is there anything YEF does not fund?

We do not fund athletic teams, bands/musical groups, or theater/drama groups with equipment, supplies, events, travel, or transportation. We do not fund programs that are mandated by MCPS or the state/federal government, or that occur in some form in all Maury County Schools. For example, we do not fund field trips, attendance or “reward” programs, extra textbooks, or calculators.

 Do you have a sample application I can look at? Yes, click on the following buttons to view sample applications.

Do you have descriptions of projects or programs who’ve won in the past? Yes, they are listed on our website under the “Programs Funded” tab at the top of the page.

Questions? Email